Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chinese Zodiac Story

The class enjoyed this short video.  The paintings are beautiful.  They especially like the sound effects.

For snack we also had Mandarin oranges , which are considered to be a "lucky" food by the Chinese people are commonly eaten during the New Year celebrations. Everyone tried at least one piece (I was proud of them!) so the class should have plenty of good luck.

Investigating our collection of items from trees

Designing their own Chinese New Year lion/dragon dancing puppets

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wrapping up bears the bear unit...

After reading many non-fiction books (teaching books, we call them) about bears, it is time for something new.  The class has been enjoying the bear books by Bill Martin jr. and Eric Carle. Some students even made their own brown bear books. We all made brown bear pictures using different types of brown materials and glue. The collages not only look good, they smell delicious.
Team three also learned this little action rhyme:
Brown bear, brown bear, turn around.
Brown bear, brown bear, touch the ground.
Brown bear, brown bear, reach up high.
Brown bear, brown bear, touch the sky
Brown bear, brown bear, bend down low.
Brown bear, brown bear, touch your toe.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thrilling Thursday...

So next week for Valentine’s Day our whole class will trade valentines. I sent home a class list today. Let me know if you'd like an extra copy. If your valentines have envelopes and you’d like to put the icons on it would probably help with the passing out process. We are all practicing good table manners with our fancy tea party set up in dramatic play!

Team 5 will attend the Valentine’s Day Teas with the primary students. They will not do the dancing part, just the tea party.

Team 3 will have a special treat for the end of snack time.