PreK Handbook for '13-'14

Below is some general information that is good to know for the start of school, as well as throughout the year.  It is a lot but please take a few minutes to read everything and perhaps save this letter/link for future reference.   

Team 5 stands for 5 days a week & Team 3 stands for 3 days a week.  Birthdays and ages don't cause any confusion this way!  
First day of school for Team 5 (4 & 5 yr olds- 5 days a week) is Wednesday 8/28.
First day of school for Team 3 (3 & 4 yr olds- 3 days a week T, W, Th) and any new Team 5 students is Tuesday 8/27.  
 Contact Info:
  • School phone number: 464.5386, classroom extension: 12
  • Email:
  • I am a half time teacher, if you need to reach me after 12:30 email or my home number 464.6358 is best.
  • Classroom news and pictures are posted on our classroom blog.  I will email when a new post goes up which is generally every 1 to 2 weeks.  This is in lieu of a sent home newsletter.  
Communication is very important to me.  I will be in touch with you regarding any questions or concerns that arise, please do the same.  Insight from home is always helpful.

Classroom Info
  • Children may begin to arrive at 8:00am, please don't come to the room earlier as we are getting set up for the day.  Students must be in the classroom by 8:20 when the bell rings to be considered on time.  Dismissal is at 11:20 in our room, I open the door to let you know we are ready to go!  At 11:30 I will walk any child not yet picked up to wait by the office.  If picking up early, check in at the office to get a gold form.  Please note that at 11:30 recess begins for the primary grades.  At this time the playground is for the use of K through grade 3 only.
  • Please walk your child into our room, help them wash hands and sign in on the sign in sheet (below the parent board) each morning.  This is in accordance with VT state licensing regulations.  I will make sure they wash hands after coming in from the playground, before snack time, and after using the toilet.
  • Most "specials" will not start for Team 5 until the end of September or beginning of October.  Team 3 will participate in music class each week and that begins after a week or two.  We spend at least the first month of school helping the children to learn their new routine and get adjusted.
Expectations:  We strive to create a safe, comfortable, stimulating and happy learning environment in which the children can work and live as a team.  I believe this is accomplished by introducing the Pre-Kindergarteners to the behavior expectations we have for the citizens of the Dover School.  We use redirection and natural, logical consequences to encourage safe, healthy choices and positive social behavior.  We will always contact you if there is ever any issue or developing behavior pattern that needs to be discussed. 
Transportation:  I know that getting the children to and from Pre-K is very challenging for many reasons.  In years past friends and neighbors set up carpools to help share the work of getting the children to and from school and on to daycare or home.  Please let us know if you need any help finding a carpool or have any transportation troubles that crop up.  
Here are a few guidelines we have to make sure that all of the children safely get where they need to be.
  • If you plan to have someone else (besides parents or legal guardians) pick up your child you must send a written note or contact the office.  You can send a permanent note giving specific people permission to pick up on set days (or any day) and I will keep it on file.
  • If no written note or phone call is received, I will be expecting you or their carpool/ride as usual. Please do not rely on your child to tell us who is to pick them up, as they often forget or become confused and can relay information incorrectly.    
  • You are welcome to leave car seats or boosters on the bench in the front vestibule by the office in the case that someone else is picking up.  Please write your child’s name someplace visible on the car seat or booster. 
Daily supplies:  Please send your child to school with:
·         a bag to carry things from home to school and back every day
·         safe, comfortable shoes We love sneakers but no flip flops, crocs or dressy shoes. They are hard to play and we play outside or in the gym every day.    
·         a healthy snack  Please make sure that fruits and veggies are peeled or sliced as needed at home.  We have a small refrigerator in our room that can hold individual items (like dairy products) but not whole lunch boxes.  *We have a student with a nut allergy so please choose snacks that are free of any nut or sunflower seed ingredients!*  Snacks and drinks that contain a lot of sugar or artificial coloring often make it difficult for children to maintain self-control (a challenge at this age) please keep this in mind.  Let me know if you are interested in school breakfast or snack.  Water bottles can also be kept close at hand if your child is a thirsty one!
·         *a change of clothes to be left at school.  All kinds of accidents happen and it is best to be prepared for anything.  If you think your child may need them, wipes can be a good thing to leave in a back pack as well.  We cannot go in to the bathroom to help the children but I can help with clothes outside or pass things into them if needed.  We have flushable wipes.
We have all the pencils, markers, crayons and paper the children will need in our classroom.  There are many, many toys and activities.  Please have your child leave personal toys at home as it makes sharing easier.  A special toy or lovey tucked in a back pack is fine for comfort, especially for Team 3 students.  Books are great to bring and share! 
Birthdays: We celebrate each child’s birthday with a card and a song at snack time.  Your child is welcome to bring a treat to share with the class if you’d like.  Please check in with us to plan which day to celebrate.  A cookie is okay, fruit is even better but please, no cupcakes they are really messy.  If your child’s birthday is on a weekend or vacation, we can make a plan for what day to celebrate.  We celebrate summer birthdays during the last two weeks of school.  Birthday parties can be a sensitive subject.  If the whole class is not invited (which, of course, is absolutely fine and reasonable) I prefer to have no discussion or invitations for the party at school.  Please make sure your child is aware of this. 
If you’d like to add to a theme we are working on or if you have a special interest or talent to share with the class, please do not hesitate to let me know.    
Looking forward to a great year!
        Carrie Dix

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