Monday, December 16, 2013

December Holidays

Students shared about how they celebrate the holidays at home:

ELC- I ate cookies.  We sang some songs.
SB- We decorated our Christmas tree with a beautiful angel.  Dad plugged it in cause it's fragile.
EV- We get a tree.  We put a star on and get out things for the tree from last year.
RF- I decorate my house. We have tree lights.
GA- At Christmas time I'm going to be with my dad for two days then come to my mom's for Christmas dinner.
MS- I decorated my house with tree lights. Then I put a wreath on my door. We put the tree where the TV was.
AK- I already did my tree. We put decorations on there.
9 students have advent calendars
MC- I help my mom make gingerbread cookies when it's Christmas.
LC- My Christmas tree fell over and some of the balls broke.  The tree looks beautiful when it's decorated.
GaM- We have a train that goes around our tree.
9 students have advent calendars.

Some of our story time (group reading) books.
The students loved playing dreidel with parent volunteer Mrs. Cohen
 I gave everyone some Hanukkah gelt later as a treat.
Great work on a Menorah Math activity.
Team 5 working hard during independent literacy time. 
We had extra left time for Discovery Ed. video about Christmas traditions around the world.
We also watched several scene's from the Royal Ballet's production of the Nutcracker.
As you can see, the students were inspired to try some moves for themselves.
Playing a physics game on the smart board.
"I made a gingerbread man."
The whole class made a family gifts inspired by our reading of "The Gingerbread Man".
This Team 3 student made built this all on his own!
"Don't knock down the towers."
Students experiment with the architecture blocks.
Nice architectural details on this building.
A Team 3 student shares her bone collection with very curious classmates.
Students enjoyed pouring water, something they don't always get to do at home.
They also tested out how many cups would fill different sized buckets.
A lovely selection of "smoothies"... apple, orange, cheese, cookie and peach.
Very modern American cuisine in our kitchen.
We have to play store in Dramatic Play during the Holiday Season.

These two are planning their shopping trip.
The tricycles are still really fun  to ride, even in the gym.
We also enjoyed a very nice foot of snow.
If you can't build snow people, you can always make castles, forts and snow food.