Friday, December 14, 2012

Literacy today...

Today Team 5 worked on the letter Hh. We look at the shape of the letter, how to write it and discovered there are many words that begin with h. We had extra time after literacy some the class took turns playing the "comparison game".  I made it harder by asking them to explain why or how the object they was chose was different.  Some were tricky but they had some good answers and reasoning.
Our book for today was "Mickey's Christmas Around the World" and it has a surprising wealth of information about the topic. It covers traditions in Sweden (see photo) France, India, Mexico and the U.S. The students were able to point out things that were the same or different from their own family holiday traditions.  They were quick to point out that wearing candles on your head is not safe.  We talked about how parents there to help and that one would need to be extremely careful on this special occasion.

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