Friday, January 4, 2013

"Snowflake" crystals...

We started a winter science/art project. The class looked at some microscope photos of real snow flake crystals. At choice time we measured and dissolved Borax powder into hot colored water. With some help the students twisted pipe cleaners into a snow flake shape. They had to lower the shape into the water and check to see that it was completely covered by the liquid but not be sticking to the bottom. As the water cooled the class noticed how crystals formed on the pipe cleaners. We will make more with team 3 next week.
Team 5's letter for today was another vowel- Ii. We played "I spy an I" every student was able to find the letter somewhere on our learning wall. We talked about the two main sounds the letter makes and explored different word beginning with this letter. We even wrote and sounded out short sight words such as it, is, and in. Afterward the class did some independent writing and sound practice.
Have a great, snowy weekend.

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