Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spring Things...

Hi everyone,

The spring concert starts at 6:00 on Thursday 4/25.  The students should be here about 10 minutes prior it will help you to find seats.  Team 5 will stay in the room with and we'll all go in together and sit together.  Team 3 students should sit with their families and come join us on stage.  I'll make it clear to you when it is time for your child to come up to perform.  But here is how it generally works- there is an all school (so prek too!) performance right at the beginning, then the chorus, the primary (with pre-k) comes after that. They finish up with the May pole dance and it is usually over between 7 & 7:30.  The concert is optional for pre-k so feel free to stay, leave after you child performs, just come to watch or not at all. Do whatever works for your family.  

It is warming up a bit so we'll be playing outside more often  Please be sure to continue to have your wear appropriate shoes for playing at school.  Feel free, as always to leave a pair of sneakers here.  Once warm weather comes athletic sandals, like the example below, are great for gross motor play time.  Please no flip flops or dress sandals.

I hope you all had a nice vacation or stay-cation.  Both groups are settling back in nicely.  They seem happy to be working and playing with their friends again. 

    Carrie Dix

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