Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Transitioning to Pre-k...

Dear families of our future Pre-K students,

It is Pre-k registration time at the Dover School once again!  I look forward to seeing many family members tomorrow.  We are expecting a large incoming class this year.  To help us prepare for success, we'd love to have all child documentation & paper work in by Friday, April 12th if possible.  This will help us know who is committed to attending in the fall. 

I wanted to provide you with some resources for transitioning your child to the exciting, new adventure that is the Dover Pre-K program!  I'm giving a variety of links below, as every child's level of  group experience is different.  It is normal for any big change to cause some stress or anxiety so I thought it might be helpful have a range of information to peruse. 

"How to Prepare Your Child for Preschool" -Parents Magazine 

"Nine Great Starting Preschool Books" -About.com
Also, I really like "Hello, Goodbye Window". Our classroom looks out on to the parking lot so the children love to wave goodbye to their family members. It is a great distraction and segue in to the rest of our day.  Don't get distracted & forget to wave.  Really,  it makes them very sad.  :-(

         *Even children who have already experience in child care can have separation anxiety in a
          new situation.  We are happy to arrange extra visits if you feel this might be an issue.

"LeapFrog: Let's Go To School" 
This is a a fun, song filled, thirty minute video that covers the average preschool day and addresses various concerns children might have.  It is available to stream on Netflix.

Having now almost completed a full two year cycle with our three and four year old program, I have to say, the student outcomes have met or surpassed our expectations on all developmental levels.  The growth is amazing to witness and be a part of.  I look forward to getting to know the children and you, especially the new parents joining our school community.  I hope to see everyone at the Teddy Bear Tea on Thursday, May 9th.  It is always a great party!

All the Best,
      Carrie Dix

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