Sunday, October 13, 2013

October Openings...

The beginning of the month saw the addition of goggles & magnifying glasses to the science area.  I also opened up the Smart Board for Team Five's use and their math topic was sorting.  We put pull across & pull down together for Ll & Tt.  See below for more details.

Everything looks different through a magnifying glass!
Students explored the details of our room.
The apple looks so tasty! ...
Seriously we kept finding child sized nibbles in our specimens.
Working with the pens is the most popular smart board option.
Testing out the sand wheel.
Setting the table in Dramatic Play.
Team 5 P.E. continues with some ball related outdoor activities.
This is a triangle, watch what I'll build.
Practicing the building block of basic sorting.
"Who wants ice cream?  We do!!"
This team 5 member is very proud of her letter stencils. Such perseverance!
Showing off emerging writing skills. 
I can't recall the details but, believe me, this student knows
exactly what she is writing down during this scenario!
Building an elevated race track with a ramp.
"I'm building a race track."
"This is a church, see the doors?"
These are the book I read with Team 5.
These we read all together!
We've had some nose picking problems & I find this book to be a sure cure.
However, I read booger as goober... it just sounds a bit more polite to me.
By the way, a goober ghost is when one uses a tissue to get a
stubborn goober out of one's nose. That is Mrs. Dix's favorite part.

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