Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fire Safety Visit

Choice time ground to a halt when the fire trucks pulled in...
The East Dover FD brought the aerial ladder truck to Dover School!
The fire department did a special presentation just for the pre-k.
I really appreciated the extra time they took.  It was exactly right for our age group.
There was serious student engagement as the firefighters demonstrated and explained their protective gear.
Those oxygen tanks are heavy!
We talked about staying low beneath smoke and to always go to a firefighter if you need help.
Our female students were particularly impressed by the "fire girls" from the East Dover Fire Department.
We created our our fire station in the dramatic play area.
Some children were the family & would call 911.
The fire fighters would answer the call and get the fire's location.
They would say "We'll be right there.  Get out & stay out!"
Being on a fire fighting team requires team work & sharing.
Once the fire was out, a firefighter would let the family know it was safe to come in from their meeting spot.
Back at the fire house the team would record information about the fire.
After fighting a fire, a snack is always nice!


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