Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Nocturnal November...

What we learned about bats:

RF- A bat can fly.
EV- Bats can hold their babies when they are flying.
EC- Bats fly with their wings fast (flap them fast).
GA- Bats sometimes use the moonlight to find their way & their eyes. 
         GA- Bats have super duper finger bones that go into their wings.  
SB- The mommies hold their babies so they don't fall.
CS- Bats fly at night time.
LC-  They have wings
ELB- They can see in the night time.
AK- They have long wings. 
MC- They are furry.
A personal accomplishment for me: 
several students now think bats are cute not scary!

What we learned about owls:

AK- Owls sleep in the day.
LC-Owls have feet because they need to land on trees.
MC- Owls have wings and feathers.
ELC- Owls eat mice. 

I made a Smart Board sorting activity for choice time & circle.
Students had to sort the animals by when they were awake.
This helped us to learn which animals are nocturnal and which are diurnal like us.

These are some of the books we read about bats & owls
We also watched quite a few short Discovery Ed. videos.
We learned there are so many types sizes of bats and owls are birds of prey.
Some Team 3 students show of the bat and owl masks they made.

Students have been exploring magnetic shape block on the light table.

The block are excellent for learning about 3D shapes.
G & A show the cubes they made.
They also figured out how to make 2D trapezoids on their own...
"Mrs. Dix, come see! We made trapezoids!"

As always the block areas is a busy place:

"We made a zoo."

The garden set has renew interest in the doll house.

T demonstrates the new scooping tools we have in the sand table.
A sneaky way to add more scissor practice opportunities.

We explored the physical details of owls with these art projects:

The students were eager to make Thanksgiving cards for their families.
They drew a picture & completed the sentence "I am thankful for ____".
For some students I took dictation,
others were able to trace or write on their own.

A bit of pre-Thanksgiving baking in the sand table.
"We're making pie! Mine is pecan, my favorite."

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