Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dinosaur Discoveries...

Facts About Dinosaurs:

Mary- Some have long necks.
Amelia- Some have long legs.
Liam- Some dinosaurs have spikes.
Robert- They have bones.
Erynn- They have long tails.
Elliot- Some have horns.
Elijah- Some are meat eaters, some are plant eaters.
Grace- Some eat leaves.
Miles- They use claws to scratch and eat other dinosaurs. 
Summer- Some dinosaurs have spiky tails.
Charlotte-Some eat grass, some don't .

At the end of our dinosaur unit we gathered facts again.
This time there were more details & collaborative thinking.

Elliot- Dinosaurs have sharp claws & run faster.  
Erynn- Dinosaurs, T-Rexs eat meat.
Elijah- The one that runs fast and have sharp claws are a saber tooth cat /tiger
Grace- Dinosaurs always look for food.  Some eat fish from ponds.
Mary- Some dinosaurs have wings.
Summer- Those are the ones that eat fish.
Amelia- Some dinosaurs have plates on their backs.
Robert-  Dinosaurs eat plants.
We learned they come from eggs.

Acting like paleontologists at the sand table..
...and at the science table with real fossils!
Exploring color and transparency at our new light table.
Designing our own dinosaurs at the Art center.
Some proud Team 3 students display their work.
Every dinosaur was different!
Team 5 made dinosaur "skeleton's" with Ms. Wheelihan in Art class.
Some Halloween themed painting.
These students worked together to find every square in the geo-block box.
"I made a person!"
Our new math toy is also great for fine motor work and persistence.

I love this game from Lakeshore.
It is good for every developmental level in the class.
Team 5 works on numeral recognition, ordering from least to greatest and counting quantities.
Team 3 can work on basic counting and building fine motor skills as you see here.
Plus the cakes and extremely appealing!

Books we read for our dinosaur unit.
One one our wonderful grand parents came to read to the class during choice time!
Time to bundle up for active play.
Team 3 was introduced to the smart-board last week.
My number one rule is "computer hands are clean and dry!"


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