Friday, May 31, 2013

Ending Our Merry Month of May

The Students have been enjoying the (mostly) warmer weather this week. Our outdoor time gives us lots of opportunities for science & nature exploration.  We've been blowing bubble & fuzzy dandelions, inspecting insects, worms and even found some newts.  During these last few weeks of school we're learning about farms and gardens.  We are sprouting sugar snap pea seeds and documenting the changes we notice every day with a drawing, photo & verbal description on our smart board.  We've had samples of fruits in our science area  so the students can count, compare and observe the seed we find.  We're also collecting seeds from our snacks and the playground.  

Art was free choice for the past two weeks.  Lots of play-dough & painting!

This week's books:

We ate some cantaloupe for snack so the children could examine the melon rind seeds for themselves! 

This student is demonstrating excellent early literacy skills as she retells  "Growing Vegetable Soup" to her friend.
She used a "reading-like intonation" and could remember many details from the story.

Still building beautiful structures in the block area.
A "best of  the block area" post will be coming soon!
Observing wildlife on the playgound...
& setting up a comfy habitat for some insects.
Did you know blowing bubbles is a great way to explore viscosity &  improve motor skills?
Team work defeated this challenging puzzle.
These boys goal was to create an elephant chain around the whole table.
"Shhh, it's okay this doctor is very gentle"
Checking in at the reception desk.

Apparently the doctor is the person to see when your hair has turned  pink.
A little "Creamee Stand" dramatic play.
"It's cooler under here."
Queen of the climber!

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