Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Exploring Mexico

Hola! The teams dug right in to new unit about Mexico. They were inspired to create new things and take on new roles in learning centers throughout our classroom. We read some great books that were a mix of fact and fiction. Team 5 worked on a map with topographical details during table time and our very last letters was Q- for quetzal & quesadilla of course! We also sang some Spanish songs- check out the you tube channel. Adios!

A layer cake
Ordering some rice and beans at our Mexican Restaurant
Giving the order to the chef

Muy Delicioso!

Cooking up huevos!

Paying for the meal

Fun with playdough...
M. made a burrito!
Team 5 worked on a map with Mexico's topographical features.

K. is working on building a Mayan pyramid.

This crew thinks their structure is muy bueno! 

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